We realized the project named Cruelty Free Fashion with reference number 2022-3-HU01-KA152-YOU-000093353.
A total of 60 people from 6 countries including Hungary, Czechia, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Romania and Turkey participated in the project which took place in Budapest, Hungary. In the project, which was arranged to have 10 people from each country, importance was given to gender equality.
The subject of the project, which took place between 22.09.2023-29.09.2023, is based on the fact that Erasmus Plus programs continue to address and raise awareness of animal rights. The aim of the project is to create awareness of animal love, to make our participants and our target group understand the importance of voluntary benefit in preventing animal rights violations; to improve equal opportunities, to expand the project and the Erasmus + program so that more individuals can benefit from these projects and to contribute to the foreign language development of the participants.
If you want to learn more, you can get information from the Erasmus Plus results platform.